
Abstract Submission Information

Abstract submission CLOSED
Participants will be notified of abstract acceptance via email by July 30, 2024.


Speaker Consent Form 


Presentations (talks and posters) on these and related topics will be welcome:
  • Occultation methodology (generic aspects, math-physics basis, ionosphere influences)
  • Occultations in ionosphere and planetary science
  • Scientific investigations with GNSS RO and adjacent remote sensing data
  • Data validation experiments
  • Comparisons with other sensors including other RO missions and measurement techniques
  • Precise orbit determination and excess atmospheric phase processing
  • RO retrieval improvements in the lower troposphere and upper stratosphere
  • Reduction of the large- and small-scale ionospheric residuals in RO neutral atmospheric retrievals
  • Data assimilation into numerical models and impacts studies
  • Climate studies with RO data - climate trend detection, climate model verification and improvement
  • Ionospheric weather, climate, variability, data assimilation, model verification and improvement
  • NWP model verification and improvement using RO data - improvement of micro-physical processes and parameterizations of planetary boundary layer, cloud/convection schemes, and gravity wave activity
  • Use of occultation data in atmospheric physics, meteorology, and NWP
  • Use of occultation data in climate monitoring and research
  • Studies with adjacent GNSS remote sensing techniques such as reflectometry and scatterometry 

If you need to modify your abstract after submitting it, please contact Leslie Jackson at irowg2024@ucar.edu

Please note that submitting an abstract does not automatically register you for the workshop. For questions, please contact Leslie Jackson at irowg2024@ucar.edu.

Poster Requirements

The poster display boards are 72 inches tall by 48 inches wide. Participants should ensure that their poster fits within these dimensions and yet the bottom of the poster is still easy to view. The minimum suggested poster size is 36 inches tall by 40 inches wide.

Posters should include:

  • Poster title
  • Information identifying the researcher(s) and their affiliation(s)
  • Abstract
  • A short summary of objectives, methodology, results and conclusions

Posters should be put on the corkboard stands from 8:00am - 6:00pm Thursday, September 12. The poster corkboard stands will be located in South Auditorium at the UCAR Center Green location. Poster boards will be assigned and a list of these assignments will be posted in the South Auditorium, as well as available at the workshop registration desk. Posting materials will be supplied. All posters will stay up until Wednesday, September 18 at 2:30pm Please be sure to take your poster off the stand after 2:30pm on Wednesday.  

Senior scientists in the poster topic field will be invited to talk to each student during the poster session. Students should plan to stand with their posters in order to orally present them and answer questions

When your Poster Abstract is accepted you will be asked to submit a short Poster Upload Form. Be prepared to upload a PDF of the poster AND a JPG or PNG image file of the poster.  The image file is necessary in order for the Gallery to have the thumbnail images.  It will automatically be added to the Poster Gallery on the website.

Poster Tips
  • State the objectives at the start
  • An abstract is not an introduction
  • Assume viewers are not specialists on your topic
  • Do not crowd the space with too many results (font size, etc.)
  • State conclusions for each figure nearby, not only at the end of the poster
  • Emphasize the scientific significance and originality of your work
  • Extract the essence of the work for the viewer, both orally and visually
  • To view past examples of student posters, visit the "Student Posters" section of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2011 and 4th FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data Users Workshop