Frequently Asked Questions - Abstracts, Posters and Presentations

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How do I indicate whether the abstract I submit is for oral or poster presentation?

On the abstract submission form you can indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation. The organizing committee will try to accommodate preferences when determining whether an abstract will be accepted for oral or poster presentation.


Why do I need to select a topic for my presentation?

This is going to help the organizing committee make appropriate decisions on the placement of your presentation in the program.


How do I submit my abstract?

To submit an abstract, please go to the on the Abstracts page of this website. Before uploading, please rename your file using the following convention: 

  • presenterLastName-presenterFirstName-abstract.pdf in lower case              

  • (e.g. smith-john-abstract.pdf) 

  • Please use dashes between the words.


What should be the length of the abstract?

Please keep the abstract to 400 words maximum, and in PDF format.


What else should I know about my abstract formatting?

The abstract should include your name, abstract title, affiliation, your co-author names and affiliations (if applicable), and your e-mail address. Please proofread for spelling and grammar prior to submission, as abstracts will be posted as written.


How do I make changes to my abstract after I’ve submitted it?

If you need to modify your abstract after submitting it, please contact .


Can I get a copy of all the abstracts submitted?

Abstracts will be posted on the workshop website once the program is generated.


What is the submission deadline date?

Abstract submissions will be accepted through June 3, 2024. Participants will be notified of abstract acceptance by August 2, 2024.


Will this abstract be posted or printed?

If your abstract is accepted it will be posted on the workshop website once the workshop program is generated. It will not be printed. If your accepted abstract is for the poster session you are responsible for printing the poster for display in the auditorium.




Where do I send my printed poster for the poster session?

You may send your printed poster to UCAR/COSMIC for arrival no earlier than 3 days prior to the workshop start date. Please make sure your name is on the outside of the shipping package. Mail to:



Attn:  Leslie Jackson

3090 Center Green Dr.


Boulder, CO 80301


Posters sent in advance to COSMIC will be available for pickup on Thursday morning at the workshop registration desk in the main Center Green hallway.


What printed size is required for the poster?

Each poster corkboard stand is 6 foot x 4 foot (72 inches wide x 48 inches tall) (182.88 cm x 121.92 cm). Please ensure that your poster will fit within these dimensions. 


When can I put my poster on the display stand for the Poster Session?

Posters can be put on the corkboard stands from 8:00am -6:00pm on Thursday, September 12. The poster corkboard stands will be located in the South Auditorium at the UCAR Center Green campus. All posters will stay up until Wednesday, September 18, 2:00pm. All posters must be off the stands Wednesday afternoon.


Will my poster be on the website?

Posters may be submitted on the Abstract Submission Form and will automatically be added to Poster Gallery on the event website. Please plan to upload a PDF of the poster AND a .jpg or .png image file of the poster.  The image file is necessary in order for the Gallery to have the thumbnail images. Viewers will be able to access both the image and the PDF.




Can I generate my presentation on a Mac?



Can I use my own computer?

No. Unfortunately, in order to stay on time during the workshop, we cannot change computers in the middle of a session. A presentation laptop will be set up for all presentations. Instructions for uploading presentation files will be provided to presenters.


In what format should I prepare my presentation?

Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF format and ensure that it will work once downloaded on a Mac laptop.


Will my presentation be on the website?

Yes, presentations will be made available for viewing following the workshop.